发布时间:2019-11-06       浏览人次:

Pākahukahu Award (Best sales distributor)

Shanghai Ocean, China 

Shanghai Ocean has consistently sold an average of about a 100 jets per year and once again last year was the distributor with the highest sales in terms of HJ jets and spares resulting in millions in revenue for HamiltonJet. Steve Chen and his sales team comprised of Gaojian and James Qiu, have worked tirelessly over the last year to maintain the business they have with a huge number of yards in China in terms of patrol, rescue and recreational vessels. This has involved extensive travel to support customers throughout China, a vast country with an extremely challenging business environment. I specially want to commend SHO for their support provided to the Singapore RO in all business development efforts in new target markets such as the ferry market. With the high energy levels and continuous dedication demonstrated to growing the HJ presence in the Chinese ferry market, SHO are finally being noticed as a possible alternative jet vendor in the region and I am confident we will get to celebrate a ferry project win with them in the near future.

Pākahukahu Award (最佳销售经销商奖)

上海欧星  中国

上海欧星每年平均售出约100台汉密尔顿喷水推进器,去年又一次成为(亚洲区)HJ系列喷泵及备件销售额最高的经销商,为汉密尔顿喷泵创造了百万新西兰元的收入。陈伟中(Steve Chen)和他的销售团队包括(但不限于)杨高剑(Gaojian Yang)和邱剑勇(James Qiu),在过去的一年中不懈努力,维持了中国大量船厂在巡逻、救助和娱乐船只项目上的汉密尔顿业务。这要求团队的高强度出差以支持遍布中国的客户。中国幅员辽阔,商业环境也极具挑战性。特别要赞扬上海欧星在新目标市场(如客轮市场)中所做出的努力,以及对汉密尔顿新加坡区域办公室提供的支持。随着高能量的投入,以及不断致力于中国客轮市场的业务开拓,上海欧星已被该地区用户充分注意,并成为其可考虑的喷水推进器供应商之一,相信我们将在不久的将来与上海欧星一起庆祝客轮项目的胜利。

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